Thursday, August 20


~begin transmission~

~soundtrack - Straight To Video, Mindless Self Indulgence~

What the fuck. What the fuck. I am RAGING. My parents now officially sicken me.

I know I promised to not rag on people too much on here, but FUCK.

First they bitch at me about my selfharm and now they're stopping me from going out for much needed social contact because I was six minutes late. Now I might be overreacting, but it all seems a little too much.

Let me explain.

For the last year I've been gradually splintering off from my family unit - or trying to anyway, and my rents are just clinging on way way way too tightly.

I mean, this morning I came through for breakfast and my septum piercing was bleeding; Mum starts on this big rant about how septum piercings are inextricably linked to bondage and subservience, and I'm just like "what? No..."

They made a rule that I can't stretch my earlobes, get tattoos, minor piercings and/or major ones until I move out, which yeah I think is liveable with, but then they threaten to actually disown me if I get any major ones...

Arrghhhh. I feel like chewing my arms off.

1 comment:

  1. dude your parents are basically ... dicks but i can`t say much because they proberly have a reason. But if they don`t then they need to loosen up but acting as they are you as a teenager are going to rebel more or will have about 2+ years o total rebelling from them. well thats my view anyway so it can`t be anywhere near the truth.

    Goodluck Ishbell
